Priority Four: Engaging Local, National, Indigenous and Global Communities
National Volleyball Championships
Athletics & Recreation engaged Canada’s sports community by hosting the Men’s Volleyball Championship 2022. The tournament featured the best eight teams from across Canada, including McMaster’s own.
Gaodadeihwahni:ya:s Summer Transition Program
Indigenous Student Services completed the four-week pilot of Gaodaeihwahni:ya:s Program, welcoming four participants and five Indigenous student mentors. The program provides incoming Indigenous students with a culturally safe environment to enhance their skills in four key areas: culture, relationships, knowledge, and health and well-being.
Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP)
Each year, Mac’s Money Centre and campus and community partners come together to offer free tax services for McMaster students and eligible Hamilton/surrounding area community members. This year, the initiative resulted in 1,260 tax returns filed and $3.6 million in benefits and credits for the community.
Momentum: Peer Accountability Group
In 2023, the Student Success Centre Wilson Leadership Scholar Award and Leadership Development area piloted Momentum, a peer accountability group that included a series of mini-sessions featuring guest speakers on the principles of community engagement. A participant in the Momentum program went on to apply and earn one of the two winning proposals for the Renaissance Award.