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School of Rehabilitation Science Strategic Plan: 2022-2027

Sarah Wojkowski
Vice-Dean (Health Sciences) and Executive
Director of the School of Rehabilitation Science

It is a pleasure to present the strategic plan for the School of Rehabilitation Science (SRS) for 2022 – 2027.

This plan was created in collaboration with our students, faculty, staff, clinical partners, alumni, and stakeholders.
Despite the challenges of the pandemic and the return to campus, numerous individuals provided feedback and input throughout the plan’s development.  It has been a real privilege to engage in these conversations about the future of the SRS.

Our plan and goals are clear and inspiring and are aligned with our President’s Strategic Priorities Framework and Vision.  Our plan will also support the Faculty of Health Sciences strategic direction, the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy and the Teaching and Learning Strategy.

The strategy reflects the passion and enthusiasm in imagining a future for the SRS that focuses on innovation and excellence in teaching, learning and research, partnerships, and collaboration, cultivating human potential and ensuring sustainability. We look forward to moving ahead with implementation and bringing this strategy to life over the next five years.

Information Box Group

Innovation and Excellence

Partnerships and Collaborations

Human Potential


We will innovate program delivery, and integrate social justice, equity, diversity, inclusion, and indigeneity (SJEDII) into teaching and research.

We will also implement interprofessional and interdisciplinary teaching, learning and research across the university and healthcare facilities and work to amplify and expand our reputation.

Information Box Group

GOAL 1: Program Delivery

Continue to evaluate the delivery of Problem-based Tutorials (PBT) and other program activities using the hybrid model and integrate lessons learned into each program.

GOAL 2: Social Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Indigeneity

Conduct a minimum of two learning sessions in collaboration with the SRS Anti-Racism Anti-Bias Anti-Oppression (ARABAO) Committee for the SRS community as a safe space to explore strategies to enhance SJEDII in their teaching, learning and research practices.

GOAL 3: Interprofessional and Interdisciplinary Teaching, Learning and Research

Develop and implement interprofessional and interdisciplinary initiatives across SRS, the university, healthcare, and society.

GOAL 4: Local, National, and International Reputation and Recognition

Amplify and expand reputation through awards, endowed chairs, and other pathways.

We will continue to strengthen our existing research, educational and clinical partnerships.  We will develop new collaborations locally, nationally, and internationally.

Information Box Group

GOAL 1: Research Partners

Proactively foster new research partnerships and strengthen existing research relationships.

GOAL 2: Excellence in Clinical Education

Strengthen and expand current placements, interprofessional clinical placements, emerging placements and creative placement models.

GOAL 3: Social Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Indigeneity

Develop intentional partnerships with equity deserving groups.

GOAL 4: Academic Endeavours

Expand SRS Programs and Collaborations Provincially, Nationally, and Internationally.

We will promote wellbeing and professional development of all members of SRS. We will incorporate principles of social justice, equity, diversity, inclusion, and indigeneity and communicate authentically and transparently.

Information Box Group

GOAL 1: Wellbeing of Students, Staff and Faculty

Promote supports for health and wellbeing to increase the resiliency of students, staff, and faculty.

GOAL 2: Social Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Indigeneity

Develop and implement SJEDII practices into recruitment processes for students, staff, and faculty.

GOAL 3: Responsive, Inclusive, Transparent and Proactive Communications

Continue to build a culture focused on responsive, inclusive, transparent, and proactive communications around change, financial stability, forecasting, and other core aspects of SRS.

GOAL 4: Mentorship and Coaching

Develop and implement a mentorship and coaching program for students, staff, and faculty.

GOAL 5: Succession Planning

Establish and implement a process to develop and implement a short- and long-term succession plan for the SRS.

We will consider financial, societal, and environmental sustainability in all our activities and decision making.

Information Box Group

GOAL 1: Financial Sustainability

Identify different sources of funding and general revenue, improve efficiencies and decrease costs to achieve a balanced budget.

GOAL 2: Societal Sustainability

Create culturally safe and inclusive spaces to engage equity deserving students, staff, faculty, and members of the community.

GOAL 3: Environmental Sustainability

Identify and implement strategies to integrate environmental sustainability in education and research activities.